Pattie Freeman BCHT, MST, CI




High Profile Clients

High Profile Clients are clients that have celebrity status and this often comes with more situations and problems than you can think of. This is why many of these clients seek Pattie Freeman for help and they know even if they are a icon or of celebrity status  She will keep their information private. These High Profile Clients are famous and are often in the lime light this includes professional athletes, politicians, children of stars, movie directors, musicians and child stars. Pattie Freeman has to ensure their safety and use precautions when dealing with a High Profile Client,  The high profile Hypnotist can handle what ever the client needs to be secretive which is of your  utmost importance.

Pattie Freeman handles this in an extremely professional way. She has many High Profile Clients that trust the way she handles their situation and information. Pattie Freeman is very professional and successful in her career. In handling your Hypnosis session whether its for a personal improvement or a sports enhancement it is done with the respect of what is needed by you the client.      

Even If you haven't been to a Hypnotist before and is a little skeptical it's ok I assure you once you have a session with Pattie you'll see such positive changes in your life  She will provide you with excellent service. The Elite Hypnotist has been in business since 1998 and has catered to the rich and famous. You as the client can see what the Elite Hypnotist has to offer is so effective and shows professional and genuine results. Many a times, famous people have the resources but are unable to find the right person for them. If you are looking to lose those extra pounds, under the wire and need to stop a bad habit or maybe been caught up in the crowd and need to stop smoking, alcohol or prescription drugs. I have your solution to these and many more. Avoiding the press and the paparazzi, especially around the media . Stress and anxiety is part of this which leads to undesirable habits and Pattie Freeman can help you overcome this situation before it gets worst.   

Call us now and ensure that you will have a professional Pattie Freeman taking care of you with your private issues that might cause you other problems. She can arrange a session in the Beverly Hills office or in a place that you find comfortable. Away from the media or even a home visit if desired Pattie provides a customized service of bringing her service to you. The guarantee that secrecy is the utmost important and nothing will ever become public. It is our mission to offer services that provide security and that the client has a sense of privacy.

Pattie Freeman is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Life coach and Mental Skills Trainer. She is a highly intelligent with a background of Psychology and who is well respected in the circles that she is involved in. Pattie has been a successful person and has worked closely with many  high profile clients. She has excellent and amazing results about her hypnosis and life coaching abilities.  Pattie Freeman is very result and success oriented. She has been Hollywood’s preferred celebrity Hypnotist for the last 10 years.

Information is available feel free to call about the sessions for High Profile Clients.